
Sunday 6 January 2019

Activity 2: Guardians of the Sea

On your blog tell us whether, or not, you believe that taniwha exist. Be sure to explain to us why you feel this way.

In my perspectives I authentic think that it is really true. Firstly some myths are true for example Matariki everybody believe that. I believe that Taniwha does exist because they live under the sea ,lakes and rivers. They are very different from other creatures. But I truly believe that they exist. Did you know that Taniwha is not only sea creature but they are a symbol for great chiefs. I believe that this is true just like the Matariki.

I respect the Maori and the way they believe myths that are true I think that it's true.


Izzy SLJ said...

Hey again Ana

Another great post from you! I also think that there are
taniwha guarding our waters. I was once flying into New Zealand, and was about to land in Auckland, when I looked out the window and could have sworn I saw something moving under the water. I choose to believe I saw a taniwha. If you were to draw one, how do you think they would look?


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