On your blog, write a short story about what happened when you opened the door and walked outside after the acid rain storm. To earn full points, you must write a story that is 8 – 10 sentences long.

When I opened the door and looked outside I felt goosebumps all over me. I was apprehensive when I went outside.I just had a feeling that the acid rain would come back. I walked with my family and it was very outlandish looking at the weather and what has changed after the acid rain storm. I was really afraid that acid rain can damage the causes of fossil fuels and vehicles such as coal and oil. And it has chemical reaction. This could be something dangerous and can cause serious damages. I felt like fearful weights trying to lift me above to the sky. I was really intimidating about bad things that can happen when the acid rain storm comes back. I felt so many agony emotions coming into my head. I was suffering in pain that I rain back home because something dangerous came by into my body. I was suffering in such pain and I layed down and, took a calmly deep breath. THE END